As a SPRINT stakeholder we will send you updates on project progress and invitations to exchange knowledge and ideas. If you would like to become a SPRINT Stakeholder please sign up using this registration form.  You will need to complete your email address, name, organisation and country. The other fields are optional but it will be helpful to us if you can complete as many of these fields as possible.

We are particularly interested in where your organisation fits into the food supply chain.

Land Quality Management Ltd (LQM) are administering the SPRINT Stakeholders Mailing List as part of the SPRINT Project.  Our privacy policy is here.  

You will be sent an email for you to confirm your registration and can unsubscribe at any time.

SPRINT is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme for research & innovation under grant agreement no 862568.
* indicates required
Email Address
First Name
First Name
Last Name
To monitor diversity
Name of organisation you are representing as a stakeholder
format: Leave blank if organisation does not have website
eg dairy, arable, grapes, potatoes, oil seed rape
Let us know if this interests you - it will help us target our emails to you
Let us know if this interests you - it will help us target our emails to you
Let us know if this interests you - it will help us target our emails to you
Let us know if this interests you - it will help us target our emails to you

Please confirm you would like to be a Stakeholder in the SPRINT project and that you give permission to SPRINT to contact you by email by ticking the box:

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